1. the willful distortion or depreciation of the original meaning of a word.
2. a person who willfully distorts the meaning of a word.
truthbrigade truthbrigaderadio sheriff hire fbi cia cfr mmp freedom liberty change love truth spiritual war God Jesus
The Future of TruthBrigade Radio
TruthBrigade CENSORED Again!!!!!!!
A Common Thread in All of the Problems
Christie Czajkowski CENSORED AGAIN!
I was deleted from youtube again! Apparently they decide who is allowed to have free speech and show the truth, while others show porn, lies and violence.
Who is so threatened by my truthful videos of the events going on in the nation?
This is the fifth time with over 300 videos! I have wasted hundreds of hours redoing old work because of the false complaints about me to youtube. They have not even had the decency to respond even once to my inquiries! Clearly youtube is denying free speech as I have never violated the abuse guidelines as so many we know and love have, yet their videos are there, and I am erased with no notice, no warnings, no explanations!
Here is an example of the letters the stalkers send to youtube about me DEMANDING they take me down for terrorizing innocent victims like jeff schwilk....
I guess all that means is that I am doing something right and the enemy is scared! I should take that as an honor but I have to admit it is frustrating! Who else has been deleted 5 times???
My blogsites have also been flagged as spam so I'm sure those will disappear soon as well.
I wish these little boys had something better to do than spend their life stalking and censoring me, but that just shows how desperate they are!
If you have any ideas about how we can get our own youtube site going, please let me know!
They are denying the rest of the country from seeing the TRUTH about the border, elected officials, police and civil rights abuses, etc...
Thank you!Christie--
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.": Gandhi
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" George Orwell
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them Eph 5:11
"...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic-the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how it ought to be done." (1891) Theodore Roosevelt
Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds. -- Albert Einstein.
U.S. Constitution Citizen Enforcement
Looks like TruthBrigade kicked their asses again, now it's your turn!
~George Orwell I suppose we could look closer at the owners of youtube and basically all media which would lead us to the basic principal of the wars we are in... "By disinformation we shall wage war."
~mossad So here we are in 2008 where telling a lie and repeating it over and over (thanks for the heads up, Hitler) is acceptable and commonplace, but telling the truth will get you imprisoned, fined and ostracized at best. We have an (s)election tomorrow where we have a choice between two mind controlled drones that will both tell you that censorship is good for us...after all, it protects potential hate against the perceived underdog. They will both tell you that we need to leave our borders open for more slave labor because it's good for the economy. They will both tell us that bankrupting Americans, outsourcing our jobs and bailing out foreign corporations is good for our economy and that slavery is necessary...what country do they represent???
Certainly not the republic we once knew and loved. Let us not forget that the head of our so called homeland security is a DUAL CITIZEN!!! What country do you think he pays his allegiance to? We are headed to a socialist dictatorship and no one knows one except of course the people getting deleted off youtube and myspace in essence, it is better that they censor those who know, so the sheeple don't see them coming for the slaughter. It's better to go about our day and vote for the same old republicans and democrats because after all, they said if you vote for them AGAIN, they will save you! They promised to stimulate the economy by giving you free money, then a job at walmart. Maybe it's better that people keep living their lives in the dark and the 'authorities' keep censoring people like me, filing repeated false reports and investigations, conducting false unlawful raids on my home and stealing my property (evidence of their crimes) while sending hitmen after me and stalking me and my children all the way across the country for the rest of my life...after all, it's just little old me screaming that something isn't right, so I must be wrong... Everyone would be better off if they didn't hear the truth about the country we live in...everything would be all right if I just shut my mouth, right? Well damn it all to hell, I will keep screaming and I will keep fighting! I want to know, where are you? How long are you going to sit back and let a girl go fight the big dogs??? My 9 and 11 year old daughters have done more for this country than 90% of the sheeple out there that continue to bend over and beleive the lies. Tomorrow is where the people are going to believe that they are electing our new representation and that things are going to change. Tomorrow is the day that IF our vote counted we would actually have a chance at change.
You know what you are doing is wrong, but you do it anyway for the party lines!!! If we all voted 3rd party and not wasted our vote, we would at least send them a message that we are not buying their game. Don't be afraid to do what's right and speak out!!! Your children need you, your grandchildren need you!!! Is this what our vets have fought for??? Grow a backbone and stop sitting on the sidelines falling for their lies! Start realizing that it IS YOUR FAULT we are in this position!!! It is your fault for doing nothing more than reading and spreading around a few emails a day. It is our DUTY to take our country back and assert our rights! So tomorrow when you go to the polls thinking you are doing your duty as a good American, think about it before you listen to those idiots telling you to vote a part line...VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT and TRY A REAL CHANGE!!!
Thank You Crissy Also please pray light of protection around Crissy
Friday, December 5, 2008
Women, Life and the Use of Some Words
A Response to Fema Holocaust Concentration Camps
It is more then God's wish that all should know this it is His Will and His Will will be Done - We WIN!
The fact that we are born into some type of warfare is self evident!
The fact that there is just to much seamlessness in the plans to annihilate humanity or self destruction for it to just be us humans is self evident!
If you haven't placed all of your eggs in God's Basket, keep studying this Game We Call Life!
truthbrigade truthbrigaderadio freedom liberty change love truth spiritual war God Jesus
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
freedomfighterradio Attacks TruthBrigade!
1st Draft (collecting the record)
This is just a chronological record of the data that I have received so far. One thing is crystal clear; Dove did not attack Stachowiak and neither did Czajkowski. No it is clear from this record that it is true, that Czajkowski did leave FreedomFighterRadio. It is also clear that Stachowiak was not attacking Dove either, no Stachowiak is attacking Christie and he is using Dove to do it! This is wrong and unless Stachowiak can produce anything but his words; this Report once completed should remove any doubt as to what is going on here!
Preliminary Conclusion: Stachowiak is acting just like Schwilk and Stachowiak even brought Schwilk in to this mess that he created!
There is more supporting information and I will update you when I have the next Draft of this Report completed.
Shadow Warrior, watching from the darkness with in . . .
TruthBrigade QUITS freedomfighterradio and the host jim stachowiak Attacks Them For Leaving!
czajkowski dove freedom free speech censorship thieves liars scam control slander stachowiak schwilk gilchrist simcox minutemen fbi cia government cointelpro stalking carpetbagger lazy cheap racist bigot
Saturday, January 12, 2008
My children talk about this week
Recently Child Protective Services have been visiting my children at school and taking them out of class without reason (besides harassment) or without consent or notice.
This is an unedited clip of what they had to say about it.
Video by Christie Czajkowski